API stands for Application Program Interface. Few of the business owners don’t know the actual meaning of APIs while they are approaching any website development company. API means a tool or we can say an interactive software which cannot be visible to any end users while they are on any website but it will help to interact between two different websites or two different applications.
API is also focusing on the demand and trend. Few of them providing paid API for some business purpose and few are providing it free or OPEN Source API. It means they release an open source API software that publicly anyone can use for their Integration purpose or to use that software functionality for own website.
E.G., Instagram is the one who is providing open source API access for your Instagram accounts to show Instagram images on your own website for the end users. The user can not check or cannot see this API but they can directly interact or can see your Instagram images with API integration.
cURL and JSON APIJSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, which generates and parse JSON format data. cURL can be used to send the client request for file sending. API integration used for interacting between two different software for fetching information form one software to another as per your requirement.
Payment Gateway is a merchant service provider for the e-commerce user to enable the payment through the online purchasing or for the online service. Which can be useful for the direct payment through credit card or debit card. Ask for the different payment gateways according to your country specifications.
In the digital marketing world, social media are the key feature for promoting and marketing your business online. And social media API integration is the one who can easily help you to make more popular over the internet. Using Social media API, you can showcase your social media presence on your website and attract your customer with some real figure for followers and likes. Check now for the different social media API integration.
Other than the social media, JSON, cURL and payment gateway API, we at Weblogico is expert in creating custom API designing and developing according to your need. Through the custom API Integration development, the developer will create an application for you which retrieve data from the software which you need to show.